Welcome to Day 2 of the 10-Day Career Challenge Actually Worth Doing. I hope you enjoyed the exercises from Day 1, on Self-Reflection. I have no doubt you are making progress. Goal setting, we all either do it daily or sometimes, or not at all. Growing up my dad would say, “always have a goal to work towards, every day.” This holds true today, not only for me, but for all of us, trying to make it in this competitive world day by day.
Having a goal to work towards can be rewarding and frustrating. One day you’re on track, the next it’s two steps back. In fact, some people start completely over. All of this is normal, moreover, it’s the natural progression of goal setting and working a plan. However, not sticking to our goals, can leave us feeling disappointed, frustrated, and even depressed. So, it’s important to make sure your goals align with what you really want in life. Without goals it would be very difficult to reach your dreams and you deserve to reach your dreams.
Personal Experience of Goal Setting
Let me share a personal experience with you, when I decided to leave my corporate life and start my own business, I not only set plans in motion for 1, but it also became 2, then 3!
I was not focused, and I was so overwhelmed with what I was doing, that I really wasn’t enjoying anything, besides, my goals were scattered in my head and not on paper. So, I had to make a decision, and that decision took me 4 months.
I’ve enjoyed writing since childhood, I love writing poems, creating PowerPoint presentations, writing songs, I love to write, what more can I share. My style of writing is casual with a dash of instructional wisdom for all and a hint of encouragement. I knew I wanted to write. In fact, I have so many unfinished written books, I keep them to remind me, I will finish one!
One night being while on the computer, I came across this video on YouTube, a young woman named Sophia Lee, sharing her tips and secrets about her successful blogging business. Sophia was genuine and knowledgeable. I said to myself, “I can do this”. I love writing and I love talking about careers, self-care, fashion, and encouraging others. So, from watching her video, my decision to create this blog was born.
Benefits of Goal Setting
Whether you have a list on paper of your goals written down or your goals are loaded on sophisticated mind mapping or SMART Goal software, let me share it doesn’t matter where you store your goals, just as long as you are working them every day.
The benefits of setting goals first it starts with passion, then a dream, you set an intention, start writing the steps to meet this goal, and then you attack your goal like mascara on an eyelash! Goal setting does this:
- Makes you more productive
- Gives you purpose and meaning
- Motivation
- Helps you meet deadlines sooner.
- Give you personal discipline
- Accountability for the greater good
- It energizes your soul to take action on the regular
- Creates a better you
- Mastery of your goals creates opportunities and possibilities.
- Greater skill performance
These are just a few benefits of why setting goals are important. It’s healthy for your mental health and well-being. I’m going to be real here for a moment, if you are not setting goals in your life, then you are letting life just happen to you, life controls you. Is this really how you want your life to be? Besides it’s much more fun, if we take control of our lives, give it purpose and meaning. Our minds are wired for structure, let’s give it a job to do.
Short Term vs. Long Term Goals
I want to make sure you understand that goal setting is not a list of tasks you do every day and mark them off your list. Let’s be clear about this. Examples of a long-term goal are completing high school, college, and or continuing your education to a master’s level or PhD level. Goal setting is not your list of your “honey do’s” and “me do’s”.
Short Term Goals
It’s all about time in short term goal setting. For example, you’re interested in a class on AI, you enroll in a 6-month AI bootcamp and complete the course. This is considered a short-term goal. Look at it this way too, your strategy for setting this goal is your GOAL, i.e…. getting a new job, promotion, starting a consulting business. Get the picture. Sometimes short-term goals whether 30-days, 6-months or even a year are short-term motivators to get you closer to a higher goal, either way you have completed what you set out to achieve.
Always keep in mind time and flexibility adjustments to your current schedule and life plan.
Long Term Goals
Again, it’s all about time. Long term goals are just that, they take a long-time, even years to complete. These are the bigger picture goals you have set for yourself. Example, becoming a millionaire by 40 or owning your first home by 25-30. Long term goals are at first far away but get closer as you work them throughout the years. Long term goals keep you disciplined in your quest for the greater part of you.
“The ultimate reason for setting goals is to entice you to become the person it takes to achieve them.” — Jim Rohn
Remember the goal is the dream, not the tasks you do to get there. (that’s my quote, from personal experience.)
Accountability to your Goals
Let me ask you this question, how do you feel when you are not held accountable for something you know you should do or should have done?” I don’t know about you, but I feel absolutely awful and disappointed in myself. Setting goals and not working them will give you the same feeling. Let me share a little personal side note: If you are always disappointing yourself, you leave no energy to please others or yourself.
Hold yourself accountable for the short- and long-term goals you set for yourself. It’s perfectly ok to not meet a goals deadline, but it’s not ok not to meet it at all. The only circumstance this would come into play is if your goal was truly not aligned with your heart. So, start one that does.
Sharing your Goals with others
Share or not to share, this is up to you. Personally, I usually will not share my goals until I have completed them. I’m accountable to myself and not to others. I am relying on my own motivation and direction. I am the only one who sees my vision, and distractions from outside sources can distort my personal views and sideline me.
On the contrary, I’m not saying not to share your goals with others, just be mindful and self-aware of who you are sharing your goals with. If you are a person who relies on others for guidance and suggestions, by all means gather your “support peeps’. Just keep in mind that these are your goals and dreams, no one else’s.
Goal Setting: Exercise 1
Write a Goal Setting Manifesto to Yourself
Write, not type on a computer screen a letter to yourself state your goals. Give the why, the how, and when you think you will complete this goal. Give your letter all the positive nuances you can, be detailed in your writing. Use action words, and verbs. If you don’t want a full letter, you can just write a note to self. Carry this letter or note around with you in your pocket, backpack, purse every day, look at it at least twice a day, and move forward toward your goal every day. As you read it, self-reflect on your goal and make changes at any time.
- Write a letter or note to yourself
- Give why-how-when about your goal
- Details
- Craft creative sentences, which are positive
- Carry the letter and or note with you every day, read it at least twice a day
- Adjust any time if needed
- Stay positive and focused
Goal Setting: Exercise 2
SMART Goal Strategy
I have included this SMART Goal worksheet for you to consider. Additionally, carefully think about your goals in these terms in the worksheet. What is the SMART Goal Strategy, you might ask. SMART goals have been around since 1981, created by George T Doran with much success, and SMART strategy is a simple one for you to stay focused and chart a reasonable course.
According to Indeed.com, SMART Goals are:
- S = Specific: Be clear
- M = Measurable: Evaluate
- A = Achievable: Reachable
- R = Relevant: Alignment to heart and dreams
- T= Timely: How long
There are other goal setting strategies, but SMART is easy to follow.
Self-Reflect on your Goals
Ask yourself these 2 questions as you are setting your goals, ‘does my goal line up to my heart’s desire and why is this goal important to me’? Asking yourself these two questions regularly, will help you stay on track.
Final Thoughts and Words of Encouragement
Setting goals is the easy part really, Although, it may take some a lifetime to achieve them. Set the time aside to reach your goals, become who you know you already are. Continuously ask questions about your goals, bring others into the fold if you need encouragement. Hold yourself accountable to what you want to achieve. You will miss goal deadlines, you may even experience setbacks, but if you really want it bad enough you will complete your goal.
Set the intention today, to complete just one small short-term goal and build from there.
Good luck! Let me know how you’re doing, leave a comment if I can help at all.
We’ll chat soon,