The holidays are here, and well if it’s full of cheer this will totally be up to you. Enjoying the holiday season in our imagination, seems so much better than the reality sometimes. But what I have learned so far, is you must have a plan to survive the holidays on your terms. These 5 tips for staying sane during the holidays, just might help you feel better about all the stress you put yourself under to make it perfect.
For me, every holiday imagination starts with falling snow, holiday parties, family getting along, and a winter carriage ride with my snuggle bunny. And let’s not forget, getting our holiday fashionista on!
In reality, it looks nothing like what I imagine. I’m trying to figure out what sides to cook because not everyone loves sweet potato casserole. I’m climbing a 6 ft. ladder decorating a Christmas tree all by myself. Calling my son almost daily to nail down exactly what time he (who I love dearly) will be home for Christmas. No carriage ride, no holiday parties, family sort of getting along, no snuggle bunny and no snow. Dang, how pathetic.
Does any of this sound like your holiday reality? Can you relate?
Having the time of our lives and making joyous memories is what the holidays are all about. But we can’t ignore the stress we put on ourselves during this very short time of the year.
In honor of the stress and mess the season can bring, here are 5 tips for staying sane during this holiday season.
Tip #1: Set Boundaries
When we put too many expectations on ourselves and others, we become frustrated and disappointed when we or others can’t deliver. 38% of people have reported that the holidays bring on more anxiety, stress, and depression than any other times of the year.
And Psychology Today, states 60% of people are overwhelmed during the holiday season.
Give yourself a break. So, you decide to get a smaller tree to decorate. You create a whole new menu for your holiday dinner, or you make reservations to go out for a beautiful dinner, someone else made.
Hey, this will give you more time to spend with your loved ones. Setting boundaries is saying what is a priority and what’s not.
Make sure you are not overextending yourself, the last thing you want to do is disappoint yourself. Don’t be in a hurry, just take your time.
Tip #2: Avoid Triggers
The holidays can be a very sad time for some. If you live long enough, loved ones will pass away, friends move to other locations, people get laid off from their jobs, marriages fall apart, lack of funds to buy gifts, estrangement from family, these are just examples of what can make a sad and lonely holiday.
I have always loved Christmas and so did my mother. I never thought about anyone being sad during the holidays. But I am more mindful of it now, since she passed away.
We never know what people are going through, including you. Being more mindful and sharing our kindness with others, can make a difference in your holiday and theirs.
Be very mindful of what triggers you may be feeling. Whether it’s an uncomfortable feeling in your stomach about a certain from the past or present. Feeling very sad over the loss of a loved one.
Try not to set yourself up and engage with your triggers. Write them down or work through them practicing mindfulness. Be very gentle with yourself during this time of reflection.
Tip #3: Keep Colors Calm and Bright
Your holiday theme is like your holiday personality. If it’s not red and green, make it purple so it pops with lights that beam! It’s truly all about how you feel and what the occasion means to you.
Personally, last year I decorated a much smaller tree. I love fairies, so I decorated my smaller Christmas tree with holiday fairies, elves, and stars. I absolutely loved it! And plan on repeating it again this year. Colors were red, pink, gold, purple, blue, lime green, and a few others.
Whatever color you like, use it! Live your life and your holidays in color. As an example, if you are into say, tarot or astrology, your theme colors of course will be vibrant and enchanting. Decorations: Spheres, colored glass of all shapes, satin ribbon, gold celestial sun and moon ornaments, kings, wands, and queens to represent tarot. Your tree truly can be whatever you would like it to be. Surround yourself with all the colors you love. And this will keep you calm and your smile bright!
Tip #4: Take a Walk into Winter Nature
Taking a winter walk in nature, is gorgeous and relaxing. It’s cold, yes…but it’s so good for your mind and body. Here is a benefit list to consider:
- Boost brain power
- Benefits to keeping anxiety and depression at bay
- Gets your heart pumping preparing for more energy you’ll need for the holidays
- Adds to your consumption of Vitamin D
- Sleep better
- Rejuvenates your skin
Have I convinced you to maybe to take a winter walk? Exercise definitely has it perks at any time of the year. But, exercising outside in the winter cold, adds additional benefits that are worth exploring.
Tip #5: Welcome All Who Choose to Join You
As I think back over the many holidays I have had. The ones I remember the most, are the ones that had character. A little chaos and bickering, Accepting and welcoming all who choose to join you, is just that. Whatever happens, well happens. It’s still a memory, hopefully it goes down as one of the best, who knows.
Acceptance of what was, and what is. Appreciation for each individual who showed up. A welcoming smile to all, and a warm hug of thanks too! And if you need to take a nap after its all said and done, then take a nap and say, “well done this year”.
“I like to compare the holiday season with the way a child listens to a favorite story. The pleasure is in the familiar way the story begins, the anticipation of familiar turns it takes, the familiar moments of suspense, and the familiar climax and ending.”—Fred Rogers.
Final Thoughts
Even though the holidays I imagine are better in my mind, they can’t give me the real feelings and emotions that comes from holding my son, seeing my brother, hugging my dad, looking at loving photos of my mom and the joy it brings me, eating delicious food, watching countless Hallmark Christmas movies, watching my favorite Christmas movie, The Bishop’s Wife and drinking hot chocolate just about every day! But most of all, my imagination can’t give me the satisfaction of decorating a beautiful Christmas tree for all who chose to see.
I’m still waiting for the snow that may come this year, a carriage ride with my snuggle bunny will happen in time, but my holidays will be the best this year, because I will make it that way, because I am still here.
My wish for you is hopefully these 5 tips for staying sane during the holidays will be helpful, and your holiday season is exactly how you imagine it for real.
Happy Holidays!
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